Source Responsible supports companies to develop and implement their CSR/ environment agenda |
Sofia Ryder founded Source Responsible Consulting Ltd. in April 2011 after 15 years working in the forest and environment sector. Between 2006 and 2010 Sofia worked for a major home furnishings retailer, IKEA, in China responsible for wood sourcing strategies, supplier compliance with company and international legal and environmental demands on wood, projects with partners such as WWF and Rainforest Alliance, and working with suppliers and forest authorities to increase the area of FSC certified sustainably managed forest in China and Siberia. Sofia has considerable experience with supply chain traceability and compliance as well as forest product certification. She has worked directly for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and has also supported companies and forest management enterprises to obtain certification. Sofia has worked for the United National Food and Agriculture Programme and for a leading NGO providing input to European Union Development, Environment and Trade policy, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the United Nations Forum on Forests Source Responsible has a well-established network for working globally. Source Responsible is an associate member of Efeca Source responsible is based in Hong Kong and has a well established network for working globally
Focused in Asia and a well-established network for working globally